Kongres coachev in mentorjev 2020

11. 06. 2020 Kongres
Kongres coachev in mentorjev 2020
Kongres coachev in mentorjev 2020 je v duhu varovanja zdravja in preprečevanja okužb potekal online
The Coaching and Mentoring Congress 2020  has been held in the spirit of health protection and infection prevention online




O kongresu/About Congress

Biti coach in/ali mentor  pomeni tudi  prevzeti odgovornost za svoje intervencije, prav tako, kot pričakujemo od  klientov in mentorirancev, da prevzamejo odgovornost za svoje izbire ter svoj razvoj. V vlogi coacha in/ali mentorja smo zrcalo svojega klienta oz. mentoriranca. Ima to ogledalo dovolj močan odsev, da ponudi poštene, morda neudobne odgovore, kaj delamo, kaj je tukaj dobrega in kaj spremeniti?

Odgovornost v coachingu in mentorstvu pomeni tudi sposobnost odzivanja v spremenjenih razmerah, ki smo jim priča prav danes. Morda ne moremo spremeniti situacije, lahko pa spremenimo odziv nanjo. Kje se torej začne in konča odgovornost coacha oz. mentorja in kje odgovornost klienta oz. mentoriranca?

Mednarodni Kongres coachev in mentorjev, ki smo ga pripravili ob strokovni podpori Evropske zveze za coaching in mentorstvo (EMCC – European Mentoring and Coaching Council) je bil namenjen iskanju odgovorov na vprašanje kako lahko coachi in mentorji spodbujamo razvoj organizacij in posameznikov v razmerah nove realnosti in kje so naše meje odgovornosti.

Kdaj, če ne sedaj…  družba bolj potrebuje coaching in mentorstvo?

Being a coach and / or mentor means taking responsibility for your interventions, just as we expect of coachees and mentees to take responsibility for their choices and their development. In the role of coach and / or mentor, we are a mirror of our coachee or mentee. Does this mirror have a strong enough reflection to offer honest, perhaps uncomfortable answers, what are we doing, what is good here and what to change?

Responsibility in coaching and mentoring means also the ability to respond to the changed situations we are witnessing today. We may not be able to change the situation, but we can change the response to it. So where does the coach’s and mentor’s responsibility begin and end? And where the responsibility of the coachee or mentee?

The International Coaching and Mentoring Congress, organized with the professional support of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), aimed to find answers to the questions of how coaches and mentors can promote the development of organizations and individuals in a new reality and where are our limits of responsibility.

When, if not now… society needs coaching and mentoring more?


 Kliknite na program/click on the program:

Program kongresa/The Congress Program



Zahvala predavateljem/Thanks to the Lecturers

S klikom na ime in priimek predavatelja, si lahko ogledate njiegove reference./By clicking on the name of the lecturer, you can view his references.

dr. Riza Kadilar, predsednik Evropske zveze coachev in mentorjev, Turčija/ Presidend of EMCC Global, Turkey

dr. Michel Moral, Evropska zveza coachev in mentorjev Francija/ EMCC France

dr. David Clutterbuck,  Soustanovitelj Evropskega združenja za caoching in mentorstvo, Velika Britanija/So-funder of EMCC Global, United Kingdom

Sunil Hasmukharay, SFA coach in predsednik Malezijskega coaching združenja, Malezija/ SFA coach and President of Coaching Association of Malasya

Irena Antolić, EMCC Hrvaška in Holotropic Development Ltd. Zagreb-London, Hrvaška/ EMCC Croatia and Holotropic Development Ltd. Zagreb-London, Croatia

Dragan Knežević,  Hrvaško združenje coachev in Alter Ars, Hrvaška/Coaching Association of Croatia and Alter Ars, Croatia

Petra Juvančič, izvršna direktorica Združenja Manager/Executive Director of Slovenian Management Association

dr. Živa Novak Antolič, Medicinski trenerji, častna članica Slovenske zdravniške zbornice/Medical Trainers and honour member of Slovenian Medical Chamber

Saša Božič, svetovalka za marketing  in razvoj podjetništva za azijske trge, Slovenija/Marketing and Entrepreneurship Development Consultant for Asian Markets, Slovenia

Teja Breznik Alfirev, predsednica ICF Slovenia Chapter/President of ICF Slovenia Chapter

Tatjana Kolenc in Klaudija Javornik, Združenje Manager Slovenije/Manager Association of Slovenia

mag. Barbara Vrtačnik, direktorica Območne enote Zavoda za zaposlovanje RS Ljubljana, Slovenija/Director of Regional Office of Employment Office RS Ljubljana, Slovenia

Jerneja Šegatin, direktoria zavoda Ypsilon, Slovenija/Director of Ypsilon, Slovenia

Matej Potokar,  coach in mentor, Lanicon, Slovenija/ executive coach in mentor, Lanicon, Slovenia

dr. Rok Stritar, podjetnik, mentor in soustanovitelj podjetja Kibuba/Entrepreneur, mentor and so-founder of Kibuba

Erika Dolenc, Zavod za zaposlovanje RS, Slovenija/Employment Office Republic of Slovenia

Jennifer Paylor, kadrovska inženirka,IBM,  ZDA/ People Engineer at IBM, USA

Dr. Paras, EMCC coach in supervizor, Indija/EMCC coach and supervisor, India

dr. Blanka Tacer, direktorica in ustanoviteljica podjetja Skupina Primera, Slovenija/Director and so-founder of  Group Primera, Slovenia

dr. Patty Phillips in  dr. Jack Phillips, ROI Inštitut v Alabami, ZDA/ROI Institute of Alabama, USA


dr. Sabina Đuvelek – moderatorka omizja, Petrol, Slovenija/Moderator of roundtable, Petrol, Slovenia

Matej Delakorda – moderator kongresa, Navajo poslovno in osebno svetovanje/Moderator of the Congress, Pusiness and Personal Counsalting, Slovenia


Zahvala ambasadorjem/Thanks to the Ambassadors





Povzetki predavanj/Summaries of lectures


Pozdrav moderatorja

Matej Delakorda, Navajo, poslovno in osebno svetovanje


“Coaching is the new normal” in je kot tak vedno bolj prepoznan kot ključna veščina in orodje, s katerim lažje in bolj konstruktivno naslavljamo kompleksnejše izzive – tako pri posameznikih, podjetjih kot tudi na globalnih ravneh sodelovanja. Na spletni konferenci bomo raziskovali in delili izkušnje, kako se lahko kot človek (v vlogi coacha ali mentorja) še bolj razvijemo in s tem še bolje podpiramo osebe in organizacije na poti ustvarjanja prebojev, ki so za njih pomembni. Raziskovali bomo odnos med coachingom in mentorstvem, se poglobili v coaching miselnost, slišali dobre prakse podjetniškega mentorstva, vse skupaj pa popestrili tudi z dodatnimi življenjskimi in coaching veščinami kot sta pripovedovanje zgodb in humor. Vabljeni v dobro družbo, polno praktičnih zgodb in izkušenj.


Slavnostni uvodni nagovor/Celebratory oppening address*

dr. Riza Kadilar, EMCC Global President


I’m proud and happy to witness the establishment of EMCC Slovenia. I’m confident that with inclusive approach, evidence based quality standards and state-of-the-art offerings, EMCC will prove to be a valuable source of inspiration and support for the business life in Slovenia. EMCC aims to contribute to the development on an inclusive society fit for digital transformation and able to cope with climate challenge. With more than 7000 members all over the world, and with more than forty thousand graduates of our accredited training providers we stand as the “go to body” in our profession. More than 200 volunteers continuously contribute to our purpose to develop, promote and set the expectation of the best practice in mentoring, coaching and supervision globally for the benefit of the whole society.




Globalni trendi v coachingu in mentorstvu 

Irena Antolić, članica upravnega odbora EMCC Global in članica CMI – Coaching and Mentoring International


Koncepti coachinga in mentorstva se v zadnjem desetletju zelo hitro razvijajo. Vpredstavitvi bomo raziskovali odnos med coachingom in mentorstvom, širšim kontekstom uporabe in si ogledali  glavne aktualne trende v svetu  tako na področju mentorstva kot coachinga.  Kdo uporablja kaj in kdaj ter kako se  caochinga in mentorstva lotevajo države z najdaljšimi tovrstnimi tradicijami na svetu.




Coaching s pripovedovanjem zgodb

Saša Božič, svetovalka za marketing  in razvoj podjetništva na azijskih trgih


Vsi imamo radi dobre zgodbe. Zgodbe nas lahko popeljejo na čustvena potovanja navdušenja, jeze, ljubezni, obupa – in lahko živijo stoletja. Tisočletja so ljudi premikale prav zgodbe, ki so si jih pripovedovale ob tabornih ognjih, v gledališčih, na javnih trgih… in danes na družbenih omrežjih. Medij ni pomemben; pomembna je moč zgodbe. Pri coachingu s pomočjo pripovedovanja zgodb uporabljamo zgodbe, da se lažje prepustimo čustvomm  da premagamo predisponirane predstave in paradigme. Pripovedovanje pravih zgodb nam olajša delo, olajša pot do želenih sprememb. Junaki dobrih zgodb vedno izzovejo nova razmišljanja. In spreminjanje razmišljanja ljudi, da bi spremenili svoje vedenje, je jedro coachinga s pripovedovanjem zgodb.


Vpliv coaching miselnosti na kakovost coachinga

Teja Breznik Alfirev, predsednica ICF Slovenia Chapter


Coaching miselnost odločilno vpliva na potek in kakovost coachinga. Coaching miselnost se uvršča med ključne kompetence coacha, saj coach s svojo odprtostjo, radovednostjo in prožnostjo zagotavlja varen in spodbuden prostor, ki je pogoj, da stranka lahko poišče optimalno rešitev za svoje izzive. Coaching miselnost je tudi ena od  zahtevnejših kompetenc, ki jo mora coach razviti, saj v coachingu ni prostora za ego coacha. Potreba, da sugeriraš rešitev ali potreba, da pripelješ stranko do rešitve na način in v tempu, ki si ga je zamislil coach, nima mesta v coaching pogovoru in deluje ravno nasprotno krovni ideji coachinga. Kako razviti coaching miselnost,preseči coacheve ustaljene vzorce razmišljanja (mentalne filtre), ki bi lahko predstavljali oviro v coaching procesu in kako se mentalno in čustveno pripraviti na coaching,  so glavne  teme pričujočega predavanja.


Mentorstvo startup podjetij

dr. Rok Stritar, podjetnik, mentor in soustanovitelj podjetja Kibuba


Startup mentor z nasveti, povezovanjem in usmerjanjem pomaga podjetniku oziroma podjetniški ekipi razviti stabilno in dobičkonosno podjetje. Pri tem zasleduje cilj maksimizacije podjetnikovega premoženja pri čemer pazi, da podjetnika obravnava celostno in pazi da poslovni uspeh ne gre na račun osebne sreče ali zdravja. Startup mentor je razvojni razvojni mentor oz. mentor podjetniškega procesa in ni strokovnjak za posamezna specifična področja. V predstavitvi bomo raziskovali vloge mentorja podjetniškega procesa ter ravni delovnja startup mentorjev.


Kako biti mentor in hkrati coach, vendar ne oboje istočasno

Erika Dolenc, Zavod RS za zaposlovanje


Mladi se lahko na Zavodu za zaposlovanju  vključijo v karierni coaching. Večinoma so cilji kariernega coachinga usmerjeni v iskanje fokusa in odpravljanju ovir pri iskanju zaposlitve. Izziv pri tem pa je prehod iz vloge mentorja v vlogo coacha in nazaj, saj je oseba enaka, vloga v procesu pa drugačna. Kot mentor daješ nasvete in le-te udeleženci pričakujejo tudi v coachingu. Kot mentor prideš s temo na srečanje, s pripravljenim scenarijem, v coaching procesu je to na strani udeleženca. Kot mentor rešuješ večinoma operativne težave, kot coach se odprejo nova polja v zaznavanju sveta udeleženca. Predavanje bo osvetlilo prehanje iz ene v drugo vlogo na konkretnem primeru.




The Importance of Supervision in Coaching

dr. Michel Moral, EMCC France


For a coach, regular supervision is mandatory. Its duration, frequency, place, frame, etc may vary depending on the type of coaching. Executive coaching is different from team coaching for instance. But in all supervisions, the same questions need to be addressed: Is the coach working as a professional, using proven techniques which he understands? Is the coach referring to a Code of Conduct? Has the coach defined what is ethical or not? Is the coach aware of the laws and norms of the organization he is working with? Is the coach ready to listen to the feedbacks given by the supervisor? Is the coach ready to tell about the personal issues which may be pitfalls in work with the coachee?

Who can claim to have qualification for supervision? The field of coaching is still young and therefore the field of coach supervision is even more unexplored. We, I mean big international organizations like EMCC or ICF, agree on the following: a good supervisor should have a number of qualities or experiences that the coach can check, especially they should have been trained to supervision.


SFA – Solution Focused Approach in Coaching

Sunil Hasmukharay, SFA coach in predsednik Malezijskega coaching združenja, Kuala Lumpur, Malezija


SFA based on opening new options for the client by asking questions that focus her/ him/them on designing solutions that can be reached instead of analysing problems in the hope of finding a way out of them. Why searching solutions instead of analysing problems? “Looking back” at the past and root-cause analysis are likely to result in somebody having to accept blame, thus causing resistance and conflicts. Envisioning a solution is much better suited for creating a collaborative environment where any past problem is overcome by the will of reaching a common goal. Once a solution has been identified, the path to reach it can be identified as well. The coach implies – with the usage of the present tense for the solution and the past tense for everything that relates to the problem – the client has already reached the solution and needs “only” to document the steps needed to reach there.



Team coaching

dr. David Clutterbuck, original pioneer of coaching and co-founder of EMCC


Building teams for high performance is a priority in business to ensure long-term competitiveness. Leaders are struggling to live up to the expectations of the individual team members, to avoid conflicts and use tensions creatively, to facilitate collaboration and to keep the teams on track towards their goals. Team coaching is one of the most rapidly growing segments in the coaching world. It addresses the performance, behaviours, structures, processes and aspirations of the team, ultimately equipping the team with the ability to apply a coaching mindset to itself. This is needed to deal with the rapidly changing environments and changing demands that teams experience.



Using Design Thinking to Deliver Business Results from Coaching*

Drs. Patti P. Phillips, CEO, and Jack J. Phillips, Chairman, ROI Institute


Executives recognize that coaching is necessary to meet the challenges of a complex and global economy. And individuals recognize that coaching positively impacts their life when goals and dreams are realized. Unfortunately, there are some persistent concerns within the coaching community about how and when coaching should be evaluated particularly at the impact and ROI levels. Drs. Patti P. Phillips, CEO, ROI Institute, and Jack J. Phillips, Chairman, ROI Institute, will address this by highlighting the reasons why coaching is an absolute necessity; how it adds value to an organization’s bottom line; and, using a methodical, multi-step, results-driven process based on design thinking, explain how to enhance the investment in coaching.

*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku, brez prevoda v slovenski jezik.




Humor is a human asset

Dragan Knežević, HUC- Hrvatska udruga coacheva in Alter-Ars


Humor can help you welcome and bond to even unknown person. It may bond and energize any kind of interaction so why not coaching too. We love your humor in coaching was often feedback I got that triggered me to explore the role of humor in coaching. It was not planned or purposeful humor to make people laugh. It was not even seen as humor from my side as coach. One of the discoveries was that coaching humor may put problems into total different simple perspective that cause less pain to coachee. Humor we are dealing with in coaching is far from being shallow. It reaches the vulnerable essence of our beliefs, actions, logic and desires. There is much more to the topic so welcome to explore it together.



ROUNDTABLE: Good practice of mentoring

Lead by dr. Sabina Đuvelek 

Mentoring is sharing knowledge, skills and life experience to guide another towards reaching their full potential. Mentoring is multi-faceted; it can be formal or informal, focused on a specific skill or more general, internal or external, etc. That being said it is clear mentoring is one of the most efficient ways of people development and we should know more about it.  In the roundtable we will discuss opportunities and benefits mentoring can bring to mentee, mentor, organizations and whole community. We will learn about Slovenian mentoring programs, best practices done so far and the impact they have had.

Guests of the roundtable: Petra Juvancic, Managing director of Managers Association of Slovenia; Matej Potokar, executive coach and mentor, Lanicon and Former President of American Chamber of Commerce Slovenia, Barbara Vrtačnik, Director of the Ljubljana Regional Office of Employment Service of Slovenia,  dr. Živa Novak Antolič, Medical Trainers and honour member of Slovenian Medical Chamber, Jerneja Šegetin, Director of Ypsilon Institute for intergenerational cooperation.



Z mentorstvom do srčnega voditeljstva 

Tatjana Kolenc in  Klaudija Javornik, Združenje Manager Slovenije


Mentorstvo kot dvosmerni odnos, ki bogati oba akterja , je nepogrešljiva oblika pomoči pri osebnem in profesionalnem razvoju posameznika. Je oblika učenja, ki je na najvišji letvici po učinkovitosti, to je učenje od drugih. Je proces, v katerem pride do izraza izjemna moč medgeneracijskega sodelovanja  in zavedanje o potrebnosti nenehnega učenja, povezovanja, sodelovanja in medsebojnega zaupanja. Vse to je zajeto v mentorski zgodbi, ki sta jo v okviru Mentorske mreže Sekcije Managerk pri Združenju Manager Slovenije spisali avtorici tega prispevka. In v katerem bosta predstavili razloge za vključitev v mentorski program, svoja pričakovanja, sam mentorski proces, kaj sta pridobili in kako sta se spremenili, kakšna je njuna pot po zaključku mentorskega procesa, kje najti ustrezne mentorske programe oziroma mentorje  in komu bi priporočili pomoč, ki jo zagotavlja mentorstvo.





Growing need for coaching culture in Health Care

Dr. Paras, Founder of Matrrix, EMCC coach, India


Healthcare is a fundamental need for everyone and we all will experience the health care environment at some point in our lives. In coming years there is a huge need for many Doctors and Nurses  in various clinicians in Health care. This webinar focuses on how to assess the Culture (the current organizational system – values, beliefs) –  Challenges (address the underlying issues) – Changes (alignments and actions). Learn how coaching and group coaching can maximize the strength of Health care individuals and groups as a whole.





Profesionalni razvoj učiteljev s pomočjo coachinga

dr. Blanka Tacer, direktorica in soustanoviteljica Skupine Primera


Kolegialni coaching učiteljem poveča občutek pripadnosti, razvija prožno miselnost, opogumi za eksperimentiranje z novimi tehnikami in nagovori njihovo identiteto. Učitelji veščine coachinga uporabijo pri podpori svojih kolegov in pri delu z učenci. Pri podpori svojih kolegov s coaching veščinami pridobijo olajšanje, da imajo tudi drugi podobne probleme in občutek, da so problemi rešljivi. Pri delu z učenci pa s coaching veščinami učitelji postavljajo vprašanja, ki spodbudijo vedoželjnost in kritično razmišljanje. V prispevku bom predstavila, kako coaching v šolstvu spodbudi kulturo sodelovanja in medsebojnega podpiranja.





Touching Lives through Coaching at IBM

Jennifer Paylor, People Engineer at IBM, USA
The pillars of our economy and society are buckling under the pressure and complex change. Every human being on this planet is in the face of adversity and our characters are being revealed. As a result, the workplace of the future is rapidly evolving by actions, inactions, interactions, reactions, infractions, attractions, and decisions that people are making in their daily lives at work, at home, and in their communities. It is important for all of us to elevate the conversation during times like these in order to get the right results.
In this session, we will examine “the coaching conversation” and the impact it has on the organizational culture. Facilitating the right conversation positively touches the lives of people at work through coaching skills.  IBM uses these coaching conversations to help IBMers through these challenging times and get a clear picture of reality. With this clarity, people can make better decisions that make the workplace even better!




New coaching culture in Management

Dr. Paras, Founder of Matrrix, EMCC coach, India


As working with different generations – Generation X, Millennials Y and Generation Z, Management has been exploring different style in managing people as one style doesn’t fit for all. As organizations have come to recognize the many purposes and benefits of coaching, the field has grown dramatically, and some organizations actively work to create a culture of coaching. A coaching culture within an organization includes more than formal coaching; it is a culture in which coaching behaviours are used as a means of communicating, managing and influencing others. It is also an environment that values learning and the development of employees. This webinar shares different strategies to establish a coaching culture in management and promote great place to work.





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